Korean word of the day
Korean word of the day

korean word of the day

This video is also subtitled in Japanese so you can switch to that translation as well. To help you out some for words you may not understand, just click the CC button for English translation.

korean word of the day

The video is completely in Korean but it has built-in subtitles, that are in Korean to help you follow along if you’re working on listening and/or reading. (namsachin) A guy who is just a friend (nam) is short for (namja), meaning man (sa) is short for (saram), meaning person (chin) is short for (chingu), meaning friend. Sometimes I find makeup tutorials like this and share them when I find them because for the beauty gurus that follow me but also want to practice Korean, it’s super helpful! And this is no different, especially if you’re a fan of iKON. Here’s the list of Korean words and phrases to do it Pepper these throughout your conversations and bond with your (chingu). A baby is called agi, a boy/male is namja and a girl/female is yeoja. Korean Word of the Day live life, existence one’s lifetime revive, come back to life survive let live, make the most of live away from home. Well, this is a video I thought would be helpful. K-drama fans may not understand the entire dialogue but their exposure to dramas and films have taught them a few words in Korean, such as eoma (mother), appa (father), haraboji (grandfather), halmoni (grandmother), imo (aunt), ajeosshi (uncle), ttal (daughter) and adeul (son). Maybe you’ve been searching for ways to practice reading in Korean or even working on your listening but the things you’ve been finding aren’t all that interesting or maybe they’re not something you would use in everyday speech. Normally, I kinda just watch them and then move on to find some more new music but I noticed something about this video that I really wanted to share with you guys. Here’s the list of Korean words and phrases to do it Pepper these throughout your conversations and bond with your (chingu). Okay so I was just scrolling through YouTube today when I ran across this video.

Korean word of the day